Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The last month in just a few words.

The days are getting longer. I can tell because it is starting to get light again before I get to work. The daylight is very welcome.

The last month has been an amazing month. I submit my apologies for taking more than a month to update. I thank you if you are reading this because it means that you have been better at checking than I have at writing.

Over the last month I have: had visitors for about 15 of the 30 days (4 people, 3 groups), celebrated christmas by eating from 9pm the 24th dec. to 1am the 25th of dec (a meal that consisted of eight or nine different appetizers, a main course and thirteen options for desert shared among seven people), celebrated the new year with a few hundred thousand people where a friend's camera of the evidence was stolen had some surprise visitors for three nights (EMUers), got used to living alone again. Realized I need to get to know more people here.

This is where I am today. Today I am staying longer at school sitting on the internet so that I don't go home where I will sit in my kitchen thinking I need to clean my apartment but doing nothing more than listening to podcasts while eating junk until 8:30 when I use the internet again. The good news is that I have plans for socializing this weekend (coffee or museum with someone who also lives in the banlieu sud). Oh and the NFL conference finals are this weekend. I haven't paid any attention but I'll be at The Great Canadian at midnight sunday for the colts game live.


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